
The majority of our region spiders are harmless but there
are two typesof poisonous spiders in this region:


The venom of some species of spiders is dangerous to humans. All Spiders prefer dark and moist environments, often making their homes in caves, tree hollows, shrubs, soil, or under rocks. In homes, they tend to make their webs in basements, garages, and other dark, quiet spaces.

They get in your home through cracks and holes in your walls or open doors, and predominantly feed on flying insects. A spiders’ bite can leave legions on your skin.

Black Widow Spider

Black Widows prefer dimly lit locations, dark corners in a basement, closets, and cluttered areas. The best places to look for them include overhanging ledges, under benches or stones, near entrances to abandoned rodent burrows, or around outbuildings. They don’t like moisture and prefer dry areas.

Brown Recluse Spider

The brown recluse spider earned its name because of its brown color and antisocial behavior. While poisonous, these spiders are typically not aggressive, and prefer to be left alone in solitude. A spiders’ bite can leave legions on your skin. Other common spiders found in Canada include:

  • Wolf Spiders.
  • Black and Yellow Spiders.
  • Cellar Spiders.
  • House Spiders.
  • Garden Spiders.
  • Jumping Spiders

Spider Control

Bees and Pest has been treating spiders for several years. We’re Spider experts and have a comprehensive process for finding, eliminating, and preventing spider infestations. Call us to completely get rid of these pests.

Bees and Pest Warranty

We are confident in our training and in our products. We provide all of our customers with treatment warranty.