Bed Bugs

In most parts of our region, there is only one species – Climax Lectularius.
They are active throughout the entire year.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small biting insects that feed exclusively on blood. A bed bug infestation can cause several health issues, including rashes, anxiety and allergic reactions. Bedbugs are normally found in small places such as baseboards, cracks in the floor, bed frames, behind loose wallpaper, sofas, behind picture frames and many other places which are difficult to detect. They stay together and large infestations will give off an unpleasant odour.

Bed bugs are famous hitch hikers and will hide in your belongings for example suitcases, purses, laptop bags. They get introduced to hotels, homes, hospitals, offices and other buildings. Sanitation is not a factor in whether or not you get bed bugs.

Bed Bug Control

Bees and Pest control has been treating bed bugs for over a decade. We’re bed bug experts and have a comprehensive process for finding, eliminating, and preventing bug infestations. Unexplained bites that are itchy and red in a line are indications of a bedbug infestation.

Bees and Pest Warranty

We are confident in our training and in our products. We provide all of our customers with treatment warranty.